
Kishor Singh Rajput, M.A.(Eco), M.P.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.
With a heritage that goes back to more than forty years, Chaiduar College occupies an important place in north bank of Brahmaputra. Established in 1967, initially with the Arts stream, affiliated to Gauhati University with a vision to provide facility of higher education was placed under deficit grants-in-aid by Government of Assam in 1977. Considering the need of the hour, Science stream was started in 1987 to meet ever-growing need of science education in the society and was placed under deficit grants-in-aid in 1998.The college has introduced Commence Stream in the year 2012. Vocational courses are introduced in 2015. There are three distance learning centres in the College under the University IGNOU, KKHSOU and IDOL (University of Mumbai), GU. An advanced level Bio Tech Hub is also there in the College.
Since establishment, Chaiduar College is continuously growing in all aspects of its academic as well as infrastructural resources overcoming all odds. Recently, three career oriented courses in electronic-goods repairing, automobile repairing, mushroom cultivation and in addition computer education center has been introduced.
The motto of the college is to prepare the youth to remain resolutely fixed to their goal and the over changing values and perspectives of life so as to enable them to identify themselves as conscious, integrated and wholesome human beings capable of meeting the challenge and opportunity of life in the noblest and most disciplined way.
Though the college achieved milestones which could not be imagined few years back with the advent of globalization and the opportunities thrown before us, preparing the students for various jobs is given a new thrust in the coming years. Introduction of Courses like Entrepreneurship Development is also expected to create an awareness for self employment and development of the region.
Success of an institution can only be measured in terms of the extent of benefit it serves to the students and the society in general. Chaiduar College has been taking positive steps for the fulfillment of hopes and aspirations of the Chaidurains in particular and of the state in general. we hope, in the coming days, we will initiate more schemes for academic and infrastructural upliftment of the college.